
LinkedIn Lead Gen Form in InMail Ad Type

AJ Wilcox
February 6, 2018

LinkedIn has been making a lot of changes and updates recently to the platform. One of the updates you may have seen is the option to have Lead Gen Forms in InMails. This is an awesome new feature that will allow advertisers to get users’ information without having to fuss with a landing page or take the user outside of LinkedIn. These Lead Forms can be a great way to keep CPL low, because each action we ask a user to make decreases conversion rate, so skipping the landing page altogether can result in higher conversion rates.

Some of the best practices that we use when working with clients include:

  • Keeping InMails short and to the point
  • Making InMails personalized by using the First Name, Last Name, and/or Company Name dynamic variables.
  • Keeping Lead Form fields to a minimum
  • Provide real value in the offer.

These best practices are a great start when using InMail and Lead Forms together. The less information you ask for the more LinkedIn can auto-fill. This will lead to a higher conversion rate on average, bringing you more contacts at the same cost.